
Upcoming works - June 2024

12 June 2024

Market Street tower

  • Over-clad works on the upper levels of the Collins Street facade will continue on weekdays between 8am and 5pm. Weather permitting, completion is now expected ahead of schedule by July 2024.
  • Removal of the Collins Street gantry (in front of the Market Street tower) will commence once the over-clad works on the Market Street tower is complete. Gantry removal works will be undertaken on weekends from 7am to 5pm. Road and footpath closures on Collins Street and Market Street will be in place during this time.

William Street tower

  • The Collins Street gantry (in front of the William Street tower) is now complete. Gantry installation works on William Street will continue on weekends from 7am to 5pm from mid-June 2024. Road and footpath closures will be in place on Collins Street and William Street during these works.
  • Early mast climber installation works on the lower levels of the William Street facade are underway. These works will occur on weekends between 7am and 5pm.
  • Traffic management will continue as material deliveries are received to complete the works.

*All above-mentioned works are subject to inclement weather. All working hours referenced are in accordance with City of Melbourne requirements.

*For traffic and pedestrian safety, signage and traffic controllers will be in place during any temporary footpath and/or road closures required for the above-mentioned works.